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pylon Software, blaze Software

pylon 7.4.0 Camera Software Suite Linux ARM 64 bit - Debian Installer Package

Version: 7.4.0

Operating System: Linux ARM

The pylon Camera Software Suite is a software package comprised of an easy-to-use SDK, drivers, configuration tools and vTools that you can use to operate any Basler camera and utilize image processing using a Linux embedded PC. Thanks to the latest GenICam technology, pylon offers unrestricted access to the latest Basler camera models and hardware components. Basler pylon supports GigE Vision, USB3 Vision, BCON MIPI and GenICam GenTL.

The pylon SDK is user-friendly to help you develop complete machine vision, medical and other applications including image acquisition and image processing. Just a few lines of code are all that's needed to configure the camera, capture images and process them.

Extensive documentation and a wealth of sample programs for all typical camera applications in all supported programming languages (C, C++) provide a critical boost to application development.

The programming interface provided by pylon is independent from the camera interface being used, meaning that an application created with pylon can easily be ported to another camera interface technology.

Because pylon supports not just Linux but also Windows and macOS, applications developed under Linux with pylon can also be ported easily into other operating systems and architectures.

The pylon Linux ARM (64 bit) is available as a Debian Installer Package for Debian and related Linux distributions (e.g., Ubuntu) and as tar.gz for all other Linux distributions.

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