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pylon Software

pylon 6.1.0 Linux x86 - ARM – INSTALL

Version: 6.1.0

Operating System: Linux x86 – 32bit, Linux x86 – 64bit, Linux ARM

The pylon 6.1.0 for Linux x86 - ARM INSTALL provides valuable notes to be taken into account before the installation of the pylon Camera Software Suite.

Basler provides installation packages for the following operating systems: Linux x86 32-bit and 64-bit, Linux ARM 32-bit and ARM 64-bit hardfloat. Depending on the architecture of the given operating system, the right pylon installation package has to be selected.

The sections „Installation Using Debian Packages“ and „Installation using tar.gz files“ provide important information about installing pylon on the host system.

„CoaXPress Cameras“ provides valuable notes for the installation of CoaXPress cameras when using Debian or tar.gz packages.

When using USB3 Vision cameras it is recommended to consider the section „USB3 Vision cameras“.

The sections „Installation of the Basler Supplementary Package for MPEG-4” explain how to install the supplementary package for recording of MPEG-4 video files.

Basler strongly recommends reading the INSTALL and Readme in their entirety before setting up the pylon Camera Software Suite, and applying the information towards use and/or software development for pylon.

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